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Principal's Message

Julie Nickerson

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year at Morse Street School where kindness, curiosity, and creativity inspire excellence & joyful learning.  We are pleased that you have taken to time to visit our website!  You can find out the latest news by reading our latest newsletter under “quick links.”

Morse Street School is a public PreK-2 school situated at the heart of Downtown Freeport.  Our students are supported by a community of teachers, support staff, administrators, parents and community members who ensure our school is a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment where students are encouraged to be curious and love to learn.  

Our Mission is to create a positive, safe and respectful environment for our community of learners.  We strive to provide an enriching academic experience that meets the needs of each child, while consistently providing opportunities for creative, physical and social development

Our dedicated teachers and support staff work collaboratively together to establish a solid foundation for academic growth, together with social-emotional development.  Our students receive classroom-based instruction in core curriculum areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.  Our Specialist teachers provide weekly instruction in Art, Music, Physical Education, Library/Media Center and STEM.

We believe that children learn best when they have both academic and social-emotional skills.  Our school counselor provides invaluable in-class instruction on a regular basis. This provides the necessary support our students need to navigate new experiences and build long-lasting problem solving skills.  On a short term basis individual and small group support can also be provided throughout the school year.

Morse Street School is fortunate to have an active Parent Teacher Club (PTC).  We are extremely grateful for their support and endless fundraising.  Money raised enables us to offer enriching learning opportunities for our students.

We look forward to a wonderful year and celebrating your child’s success here at Morse Street School,

Julie Nickerson, Principal

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